Friday, October 29, 2010

Just because of misunderstanding =(

It's almost 3 months that I left this blog alone and I'm wondering if there's someone reading it! Haha. Just wanted to throw all my stress and unhappiness here as fb is open to everyone so I don't anymore misunderstanding with my status that I posted.

There are so many things that really make me stress and fed up and I really don't know when I can stand until so just wait and see. I'm so tired and feel so frustrated. Just wanted to tell the people around me "if I did something or say something that make you mad, just ignore me cause I'm just nobody." I'm so scare that the people that I think it's important to me will leave me one by one cause of misunderstanding. It's enough already cause I really appreciate to have friends with me.

I love laughing, joking and playing with everyone but please don't because of a little misunderstanding then mad at me. Just tell or inform me when I really did something wrong, I will just walk away from you and let you have a better life without me if you really wanted me to do so. I'm not emo but stress and sad =( I'm don't want people that I think is important being hurt by me. Please...


čhât ċhåt ćhãt


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