Monday, October 26, 2009

Regretting so much for making wrong decision which makes me really unhappy and felt like wasting my time and being discriminated! For me, there won't be a next chance to go a place which others think that it's fun and I really think that it's not fun at all but wasting my time for going such place. I should persist on my first decision but not changing it after that.

I don't mind spending time and money to be there but I really mind that what we done there are just wasting time! Got headache after that which makes me waste more time for doing nothing. People is so fake that when you have no advantages, no one will be around you!! And lastly, I'm proud to be a Buddhist!

1 comments on " "

Vicky 刘宁 on November 5, 2009 at 2:12 PM said...

same problem here... but u hav to eat something 2 weeks before blood donate.. must eat proper meal!! :)


čhât ċhåt ćhãt


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