Sunday, June 8, 2008

Protect our Earth!!

I have something to share with you guys. The price of fuel had increase since few days ago. Now the price is so high and I think we can't afford to pay for it soon. Few of us were talking about it. We were complaining the prices keep on increasing and also the price of rice. They say next time we don't have rice to eat because too expensive. I told them just eat grass. Then, my cousin say even grass need to buy because lack of resources.

I don't know when will be the end of the world. Now the earth had lack of resources for all the people. There are even natural disasters attacking many places. The people are suffering now. The only thing we can do is protect our earth; stop pollutes the earth and recycles the things that we can recycle.

1 comments on "Protect our Earth!!"

Anonymous said...

kekdao wo!!! protect our earth~~~ haha by how ahh.. u tel me lar.. izit we nid 2 stand infront when de typhoon der?? hoho


čhât ċhåt ćhãt


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