Saturday, December 1, 2007

happy... ^^

Finally we had ended our trip at Kuching. Feels like a boring holidays going to start soon. Everyone went back to their hometown but I’m going to stay here. Ha-ha. It’s ok for me because I need 2 concentrate on my assignments and my sister and brother won’t be at home.

I spent the whole day at grandpa’s hostel, online and chit chatting. Grandma came and played with us. At night time we went out and eat. Grandma brought us went shopping. We went to visit my father and also grandpa. We saw funny masks and wore it. I’m having quite a happy day. Keep on doing something funny and stupid. I love and enjoying this kind of life.

This is what we did at the supermarket. A small kid saw us taking photo, her emotion shows that how come we were doing this.

6 comments on "happy... ^^"

Anonymous said...

haha make me suddenly laugh at here while read dao de laz sentences!!! siao po~~~ i reli stil rmb de kids de reaction neh!!! funi funi.. n veri hapi 2 c papa n grandpa!! eventho gradpa hair hen nan kan.. wahaha i gt say him liao... shHH~~ my grandpa?? aka didi..

SiNgYeE- guairen 2 on December 2, 2007 at 12:22 AM said...

wahaha. ya loh, i'm shock when u laugh der. i tot wat happen. siao po... hehe. ya loh, dat small kis reali funi ah. hehe. veli ugly de grandpa.. reali terrible eh, his hair. reali omg!!!

RueyHwa on December 2, 2007 at 2:29 AM said...



jz bored..

SiNgYeE- guairen 2 on December 2, 2007 at 10:25 AM said...

haha... hwa, u reali veli good in catching ppl's spellin mistake o... wanna learn from u liao...

RueyHwa on December 2, 2007 at 4:14 PM said...

not good ah..once i make mistake den eryone will come out n point at my mistake..paiseh de wor!!haha xp

SiNgYeE- guairen 2 on December 2, 2007 at 4:21 PM said...

wahaha. u caught my mistakes for many times liao lo. wahaha. me oso wil paiseh de leh :$


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