Thursday, December 18, 2008


Me and some of my friends are so unlucky for this few weeks. There were so many things happened to all of us.
1. Friend's wallet lost.
2. My phone sink in the water.
3. Not having fun in my trip.
4. Friend knock others car.
5. Friend knock friend's car.
6. Friend's slipper broke because of rushing.
7. Nearly can't catch up with bus.
8. Change bus and need to carry all our stuff.
9. The bus we took was so dangerous.

I think all above can be counted as unlucky right? Haiz... Make me so fed up with all those.
By the way, I wanted to thank the ANONYMOUS 3 (who wrote comments in "frustrated" post). You let me know how actually people think of me and Rui Yue. Thanks so much for letting me beware of people around us. We learned so much from your comments. We won't being affected by what you say but will be more close. Now only I know not everyone worth us to treasure them.

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